Browse Items
- 201 or 120 Files
- abandonment of office
- abolition of position
- absence without official leave
- absences due to being state witness or witness protection program
- absenteeism
- acceptance of resignation
- acceptance of retirement
- access to records
- accessory penalties
- accountable officer
- accounts analyst positions
- accreditation and quality assurance officer position
- accreditation of government service
- accreditation on education
- accreditation on training
- accreditation to take final action on appointments
- actual performance of function
- actual service
- Administrative Aide V positions
- Administrative Aide VI positions
- administrative cases
- administrative code
- administrative complaint
- administrative findings
- administrative proceedings - liberal nature
- administrative service group positions
- administrator position in LGUs
- admonition
- adoption
- adoption leave
- adoptive parents
- age requirement
- aggravating circumstances
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer position
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- agriculturist positions
- Air Transportation Office
- Air Transportation Office positions
- airfield power positions
- alcohol prohibition
- appeal
- appeal in non-disciplinary cases
- appeal requirements - mandatory and jurisdictional
- application for leave
- appointing authority
- appointment
- appointment - discretionary power
- appointment - subject to civil service rules
- appointment effectivity
- appointment form or paper or requirements
- appointment prohibition
- approval of leave
- approval of secondment
- assemblies
- assessment of applicants
- assessor or appraiser positions
- assistant assessor position
- assistant department head position
- assistant schools division superintendent position
- assumption to duty
- asynchronous learning
- attache positions
- attestation or approval of appointments
- Attorney VI position
- attrition
- authority of Officer-in-Charge
- auto mechanic positions
- automatic leave or suspension
- automatic promotion or salary increase of honor awardees
- automatic resignation
- automotive positions
- Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao
- Auxillary Machine Operator
- awards and incentives
- back wages
- Bangsamoro
- barangay chairman
- barangay election
- barangay health aide position
- Barangay Health Worker Eligibility
- Barangay Nutrition Scholar Eligibility
- Barangay Official Eligibility
- barangay officials
- barangay secretary
- barangay treasurer
- bayanihan
- blended learning
- board of directors
- Board or Bar examination
- breaktimes
- Brightest for the Bureaucracy Program
- broadcast operations positions
- burden of proof
- Bureau of Non-Formal Education
- cadets of Philippine National Police Academy
- cancer control
- Career Executive Service
- Career Executive Service Eligibility
- career or non-career position conversion
- career service or officer or position
- cash advances
- casual appointment
- certificate in a field of study
- certification of eligibles
- certification program
- chain promotions
- change of employment status from temporary to permanent
- chemist positions
- chemistry profession
- chief air navigation system position
- chief air traffic controller position
- chief airways communicator position
- citizen's charter
- civil registrar position
- Civil Service Commission
- civil service eligibility
- civil service eligibility processing
- civil service examination violations
- civil service examinations
- civil service scope
- clearance
- clerk of the electoral tribunal position
- clothing allowance
- code of conduct
- collective negotiation agreement incentives
- collective negotiation agreements
- collective negotiations
- Commission on Audit
- communication technology
- community quarantine
- compatible positions
- compensation and position classification
- compensatory overtime credits
- compensatory time-off
- competencies
- competency examinations
- complaint
- compliance with requirements during appeal
- compressed work week
- compulsory retirement
- Computer Programmer
- conciliation and mediation
- concubinage
- concurrence of Sanggunian
- concurrent jurisdiction
- Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service
- confession
- constructive dismissal
- consultancy contracts
- consultants
- contempt
- contingency or emergency program
- continuing professional development
- contract of service or job order
- contracts
- contractual appointment or employee
- contractual obligations
- conversion of positions
- Conviction of a Crime Involving Moral Turpitude
- Corona Virus Disease 2019
- Corona Virus Disease 2019 testing
- correction of personal information
- cost of living allowance
- coterminous employees or positions
- coterminous with the incumbent
- coterminous with the project employees
- Cottage Industry Technology Center
- Council of Personnel Officers
- court attorney position
- court positions
- courtesy resignation
- creation of position prohibition
- creation of positions
- crime involving moral turpitude
- CSC eligibility card
- CSC powers
- culture and arts positions
- daily rate computation
- daily subsistence allowance
- daily time or attendance record
- daily travel expenses
- Dangerous Drugs Board
- Data Encoder
- data encoder eligibility
- Data Encoder-Controller
- Data Machine Operator
- data privacy
- database of individuals barred from the service
- date when appointee should meet qualification standards
- day care worker positions
- daylight saving time
- de facto officer
- decision
- decision - essential parts
- degree of relationship
- delegation or non-delegation of powers
- demotion
- Dental Hygienist position
- department head position
- Department of Education
- Department of Finance
- Department of Health
- Department of Science and Technology
- deputy clerk of the electoral tribunal position
- designation
- designation as officer-in-charge
- designation in acting capacity
- designation of elective official
- designation prohibition
- detail
- detention of employee
- devolution
- digital or online learning
- disability affairs officer positions
- disallowance by Commission on Audit
- disapproved or invalidated appointment
- disaster risk reduction and management
- disbarment
- disciplinary cases
- Disgraceful and Immoral Conduct
- Dishonesty
- dismissal from service
- Distance Learning Program
- division chief positions
- doctrine of condonation by virtue of reelection
- documentary requirements
- domestic adoption
- domicile
- double appointment
- double compensation
- double jeopardy
- dress code
- driver or chaffeur position
- dropping from the rolls
- drug testing
- drug use
- drugs or anti-drugs
- dual citizenship
- due process
- due process in administrative case
- education requirement
- effect of death of respondent
- effect of retirement or resignation
- effect of suspension
- ejusdem generis
- elearning
- election ban
- election ban exemption
- election-related offense
- electioneering or partisan political activity
- elective officials
- electronic copy
- Electronic Data Processing Eligibility
- electronic document
- electronic filing
- electronic or digital signature
- electronics communications positions
- eligibility requirement
- emergency preparedness
- emoluments, bonuses, benefits
- employee petitions or actions
- employee suggestions
- employee welfare program
- employee wellness program
- employees under the Sanggunian
- employees under the Vice-Mayor or Vice-Governor
- employment in the Philippine government
- engineer position in LGUs
- entrepreneurial activities
- environmental planning or planner positions
- equivalent record forms
- essence of public service
- estate supervisor position
- estoppel not applicable to government
- ethics-oriented personality test
- events or searches
- ex post facto law
- examination form
- examination irregularity
- excessive monetary value
- excused absence
- execution of decision
- executive assistant position
- Executive Order 138
- Executive Order 180
- Executive Order 292
- Executive Order 366
- Executive Order 503
- Executive Order 508
- executive vice-president position
- exhaustion of administrative remedies
- experience requirement
- expiration of term of office
- extension of service
- faculty employees or positions
- failure to raise issue
- fake civil service eligibility cases
- falsification
- Falsification of Official Document
- fees
- filing and service of orders, pleadings, and other papers
- filing beyond prescriptive period
- filing fees
- filing of certificate of candidacy
- finality of decision or judgment
- financial services positions
- financial transactions
- fine
- fingerprinting or fingerprint positions
- fire officer positions
- first grade eligibility
- first level employees
- fixed term of office
- fixer or anti-fixer
- flag ceremony
- flexible working arrangements
- flexible working hours
- flexiplace
- flexitime
- floating status
- forced leave
- forced resignation as penalty
- Foreign Service Officer Eligibility
- forfeiture of retirement benefits
- forgotten evidence
- formal charge
- formal investigation or hearing
- forum shopping
- foundation training program
- four-day work week
- Frequent Unauthorized Absences
- Frequent Unauthorized Tardiness
- frontline services
- gap in service
- gender equality
- general manager position
- general nursing course or graduate nurse
- good faith
- good governance conditions
- Government Corporate Sector
- government owned or controlled corporation with original charter
- government service
- Government Service Insurance System
- graft and corruption or anti-graft and corruption
- Grave Abuse of Authority
- Grave Misconduct
- grievance
- Gross Insubordination
- Gross Neglect of Duty
- GSIS contributions
- guidance counselor positions
- habitual absenteeism
- habitual drunkenness
- habitual tardiness
- half-day absence
- hazard duty pay
- hazard pay
- head executive assistant position
- hearsay evidence
- height requirement
- high-risk functions
- highly technical or specialized positions
- hiring or recruitment
- hiring rate
- hold-over status
- Honor Awards Program
- Honor Graduate Eligibility
- honorarium
- house of representatives positions
- human resource management
- human rights
- illegal dismissal
- immediate family
- implementing rules and regulations
- in pari materia
- Index of Occupational Services or IOS
- induction
- Information Systems Analyst
- Information Technology or System positions
- institutional contract
- instructional designer position
- insubordination
- insurance
- intelligence agent position
- internal audit service positions
- internship
- interruption of reglementary period
- ipso facto resignation during election period
- jail officer positions
- job order prohibition
- job orders
- judicial decisions
- jurisdiction
- jurisdiction by estoppel
- jurisdiction of Commission on Audit
- jurisdiction of Commission on Election
- jurisdiction of CSC
- jurisdiction of CSC - appellate
- jurisdiction of heads of agencies or departments
- jurisdiction over acts committed prior to entering service
- jurisdiction over elective officials
- jurisdiction over resigned or retired employee
- laches
- Land Bank of the Philippines
- Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
- laundry allowance
- leadership competencies
- leave
- leave credits
- leave credits transfer
- leave monetization or commutation
- leave prohibition
- leave with pay
- leave without pay
- legal assistant positions
- legal officer position in LGUs
- legal personality to file
- length of service
- Less Serious Dishonesty
- liability for payment of salaries
- liberal interpretation
- liquidation of cash advance
- Livelihood Corporation
- livelihood project head position
- livelihood project officer positions
- Loafing from Duty
- local disaster risk reduction and management officer positions
- Local Government Units
- Local Planning and Development Coordinator positions
- Local Scholarship Program
- local school board
- Local Treasurer Eligibility
- local treasury examination
- local treasury service
- Local Water Districts
- longevity pay
- losing candidates in election
- loyalty award
- machine operator positions
- magna carta for scientist, engineers, researchers
- magna carta for teachers
- magna carta for women
- mala per se
- mala prohibita
- management information specialist positions
- management prerogative
- managerial and executive positions
- managerial training
- mandatory vaccination
- Manila International Airport Authority
- marriage
- Master Teacher positions
- master's degree requirement
- Masteral Degree Program
- maternity leave
- maternity leave for adoptive parent
- maxim - power to appoint includes power to dismiss
- maxim - law prevails over equity
- maxim - what cannot be done directly cannot be done indirectly
- Meat Inspector Eligibility
- medal of valor
- medical certificate as evidence
- medical examinations
- medical positions
- medical specialist positions
- mental health
- merit selection or promotion plan
- merit system
- meritorious performance
- messenger positions
- metals technologist positions
- Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System
- microlearning
- mid-year bonus
- midnight appointments
- misconduct
- mitigating circumstances
- moral depravity
- moral turpitude
- motion for reconsideration
- multiple positions
- museums and cultural exhibits
- Muslim holidays
- Muslim prayer day
- National Budget Circular No. 461
- National Dairy Authority
- National Economic Development Authority
- national emergency
- National Food Authority
- National Irrigation Administration
- National Meat Inspection Service
- nature of exceptions to the rule
- nature of non-disciplinary cases
- Neglect of Duty
- nepotism
- new normal
- newly-discovered evidence
- no collection policy
- no conviction for a higher offense which is not charged
- no vested right to public office
- no work no pay policy
- non-career service or officer or position
- non-disciplinary cases
- non-forfeiture of TLB and GSIS premiums
- non-formal education
- non-impairment of contracts
- non-retroactive effect of laws
- non-retroactive effect of laws - exception
- non-sexist language
- norms of conduct
- notice and hearing
- Nurse position
- oath of office
- oath of service
- oath taking
- obligations of a prosecutor
- occupational health and safety
- occupational safety and health standards
- occupational service or group
- office hours
- office of the undersecretary positions
- official foreign travel
- official local travel
- official time
- official travel
- omnibus rules
- Open Distance Learning
- ordinances
- organizational structure and staffing
- original appointment
- outgoing officials
- overtime
- overtime pay
- Parents-Teachers Association
- part-time employees
- party adversely affected
- paternity leave
- penalties and sanctions
- pendency of administrative case
- per diem
- Performance Evaluation or Management System
- performance-based incentive or bonus
- permanent appointment
- perpetual disqualification to hold public office
- Personal Data Sheet
- personal information
- personal staff
- personnel or human resource actions
- personnel or human resource development
- personnel records or reports
- Personnel Selection Board
- persons with disabilities
- Persons with Disabilities Affairs Office
- Philippine Economic Zone Authority
- Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
- Philippine Judicial Academy
- Philippine National Police
- Philippine National Police Academy
- Philippine National Railways
- Philippine Ports Authority
- Philippine State College of Aeronautics
- phlebotomist positions
- physical and mental unfitness
- physicians
- placement
- plant equipment positions
- plantilla of personnel
- plebiscite ban
- police eligibility
- police non-commissioned officers
- police officer positions
- position or parenthetical titles
- posthumous award
- posting of procedures and requirements
- power of heads of agencies
- power of judicial review of the Supreme Court
- power to appoint
- power to reassign
- power to recall appointment
- powers of local chief executives
- powers of successor
- powers of the local sanggunian
- powers of the President
- practice of profession
- pre-employment test
- pre-retirement promotion
- pre-retirement seminar
- preference rating
- preferential right of reappointment
- prescription
- presidential appointees
- Presidential Decree 1569
- Presidential Decree 1780
- Presidential Decree 907
- Presidential Decree 997
- presumption - evidence withheld would be adverse if produced
- presumption of innocence
- presumption of misappropriation
- presumption of regularity
- preventive suspension
- prima facie case
- primarily confidential positions
- principle of relativity of contracts
- prior consultation with the local school board
- private practice of profession
- private secretary position
- probation in a criminal case
- probationary period
- procurement law violation
- procurement management officer positions
- procurement officer position
- procurement process
- Professional or Technical or Scientific programs
- professionalism of bureaucracy
- prohibition on outside employment
- project personnel
- promotion
- promotional test
- proportional vacation pay
- protest
- Psychologist positions
- Public Attorney's Office
- public employee
- Public Employment Service Office positions
- public funds
- public health workers
- public interest justification
- public office being a public trust
- public officer
- public official
- public schools district supervisor position
- public sector labor disputes
- Public Sector Labor-Management Council
- public sector unionism
- public service continuity plan
- public service program
- publication of vacant positions
- qualification standards
- qualifications being continuing requirements
- qualified political agency doctrine
- quality control or assurance positions
- quantum leap or three-salary grade limitation
- quarantine
- radiologic technologist positions
- ratification of action
- rationale for backwages
- rationalization or reorganization
- reappointment
- reassignment
- reassignment of lowly salaried employees
- reassignment without consent
- recall of approval of appointment
- reclassification of position
- recommending authority
- red tape or anti-red tape
- reemployment
- reemployment after retirement
- rehabilitation privilege or leave
- reinstatement
- relationship by affinity
- relevancy of profession or field of study
- relevant education
- relevant experience
- remedial or curative statutes
- removal from office
- renewal of professional license or ID card
- repeal of laws
- representation and transportation allowance
- representation expenses
- reprimand
- Repubic Act 11313
- Repubic Act 9184
- Republic Act 10024
- Republic Act 10028
- Republic Act 10029
- Republic Act 10070
- Republic Act 10121
- Republic Act 10154
- Republic Act 10156
- Republic Act 10650
- Republic Act 10657
- Republic Act 10691
- Republic Act 10754
- Republic Act 1080
- Republic Act 10912
- Republic Act 10915
- Republic Act 11032
- Republic Act 11036
- Republic Act 11054
- Republic Act 11210
- Republic Act 11215
- Republic Act 11332
- Republic Act 11469
- Republic Act 3019
- Republic Act 4670
- Republic Act 6656
- Republic Act 6713
- Republic Act 6758
- Republic Act 6850
- Republic Act 6975
- Republic Act 6981
- Republic Act 7041
- Republic Act 7160
- Republic Act 7430
- Republic Act 7699
- Republic Act 7722
- Republic Act 7877
- Republic Act 7884
- Republic Act 7924
- Republic Act 8291
- Republic Act 8292
- Republic Act 8371
- Republic Act 8435
- Republic Act 8439
- Republic Act 8504
- Republic Act 8552
- Republic Act 8759
- Republic Act 8972
- Republic Act 9049
- Republic Act 9165
- Republic Act 9184
- Republic Act 9225
- Republic Act 9242
- Republic Act 9262
- Republic Act 9286
- Republic Act 9416
- Republic Act 9418
- Republic Act 9484
- Republic Act 9485
- Republic Act 9533
- Republic Act 9710
- Republic Act No. 10587
- res judicata
- researcher position
- residence
- residency requirement
- resignation
- Respiratory Therapist positions
- responsibilities of human resource management officer
- responsive pleadings
- restitution of misappropriated amount
- retirement
- retirement age
- retirement from two positions
- retirement laws
- retirement pay or benefits
- retitling
- retroactive appointment
- review and approval of appointment
- review of decision
- revocation of appointment
- right against self-incrimination
- right to appeal
- right to be informed of the charges
- right to counsel
- right to free exercise of faith
- right to mental health
- right to privacy
- right to self-organization
- rules and regulations of administrative bodies
- rules and regulations of state universities or colleges
- rules of procedure
- rural health physician position
- salaries
- salary grade
- salary increase prohibition
- salary standardization law
- Sanggunian members
- Sanggunian Secretary position
- Sangguniang Barangay
- Sangguniang Kabataan
- sangguniang kabataan election
- scholarship
- school principal position
- schools division superintendent position
- Scientific and Technological Specialist Eligibility
- scientific and technology positions
- scientific career system
- second level positions
- secondment
- security of tenure
- security or protective services positions
- senior high school
- Senior Office Equipment Technician positions
- separation pay
- Serious Dishonesty
- service during election
- service in the field or on the water
- settlement of cash advance
- sexual harassment
- sexual harassment- elements
- Shari'a Bar eligibility
- sick leave
- sick leave credits
- Simple Dishonesty
- Simple Misconduct
- Simple Neglect of Duty
- skeletal or skeleton workforce
- skilled workers
- skills equivalency certificate
- skills positions
- slander or oral defamation
- smoking prohibitions
- social insurance systems
- social legislation
- social welfare aide position
- social welfare officer positions
- solicitation
- solo parent leave
- solo parents
- special emergency leave
- special leave benefits for women
- special privilege leave
- Special Science Teacher positions
- staggered working hours
- state of calamity or emergency
- State or Local Universities and Colleges
- Statement of Assets, Liabilities, Net Worth
- station or non-station specific appointments
- status of appointment or employment
- statutory construction
- step increment
- strikes, concerted activities, or mass actions
- study leave
- subsistence allowance
- substantial evidence
- substitute appointment
- substitution of education, training, experience
- support services
- Supreme Court of the Philippines
- susbstantial compliance
- suspension
- suspension of elective officials prohibition
- swap-work
- synchronous learning
- system of ranking positions
- systems analyst position
- systems design specialist position
- tardiness
- teacher positions
- teacher's leave
- technical assistance programs
- technical assistant position
- Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
- technical training
- technical training program
- technicalities
- technology and livelihood positions
- Technology and Livelihood Resource Center
- telegram carrier positions
- temporary appointment
- temporary incapacity of local chief executive
- term of office
- terminal leave application
- terminal leave benefits
- termination of employment
- testimonies of witnesses
- third level positions
- tobacco industry interference
- tourism operations positions
- training or learning and development
- training requirement
- transfer
- transfer prohibition
- transportation allowance
- transportation expenses
- travel expenses
- treasurer positions
- undertime
- undue favor
- uniformed personnel
- unique positions
- University of the Philippines
- university or college president position
- university or college vice-president position
- unsatisfactory or poor performance
- upgrading of position
- use of bundy clock
- use of government vehicle
- use of private vehicle
- vacancy of position
- vacation leave
- vacation leave credits
- vacation service credits
- vaccination
- values
- vested right
- vested right to position
- veteran preference rating
- vice-mayor or vice-governor as presiding officer
- violation against women and children
- Violation of Reasonable Office Rules
- voluntary or optional retirement
- volunteer work, service or program
- waiver of rights
- warning
- warning to act with prudence
- weather facilities technician positions
- webinars
- what the law does not distinguish we should not distinguish
- witness protection
- work arrangements
- work from another fixed place
- work from home
- work from satellite office
- work shifting
- work stoppage or disruption
- work-related injury
- working hours
- writer-editor position
- year-end bonus